Brush and Yard Waste Pickup

Monday, July 18, 2022 - 7:00am

brush pickup graphic

April 4th-October 3rd, 2022

The city will pick up brush and limbs on the FIRST and THIRD Monday of each month. Brush and limbs must be neatly stacked and laying in one direction on the tree lawn area, between the curb and the sidewalk. 

Items NOT ACCEPTED if tied in bundles or of it exceeds 10 feet in length. No branches or tree trunks with a diameter greater than 4" will be collected. Tree stumps are NOT acceptable. 

Grass clippings, leaves, hedge trimmings and/or garden waste MUST BE in a 30 gallon brown recyclable paper bag that can be purchased from the store of your choice. Residents MUST CALL the Cemetery by Sunday, the evening before at 695-3971 (24 hour answering machine) to request pickup for yard waste.