Dan Vigansky

Headshot of Commissioner Vigansky
Phone Number: 

                A Galien native, I left the area after High School and moved back to Buchanan in 1993. My oldest daughter graduated from Galien High School that year. I had made a promise that when she graduated she could move in with me. I came home. Between High School and my return I had an adventurous life.

                Oil took me to Wyoming. I secured a roughneck job on an oil rig. North Sea Oil was calling where I wound up as a driller! The job ended so I went back to Wyoming, where I bought an 11,000 sq/ft club (bar). After I left the club I tried several things, including real estate, restaurant management, direct care, and helping my wife with her painting business here in town. I have had many great life experiences and collected many certificates along the way.

                When I returned to Buchanan, the quickest career open to me that would provide for my family was that of a CDL licensed truck driver. I ended up retiring from Fed Ex Freight when emphysema and the disease ‘alpha’ kicked in. Alpha is a degenerative liver disease.

                I first became a Buchanan City Commissioner in 2014. I have learned people, politics, and money make the world go ‘round. I have tremendous experience with all three. Getting things done on a five person Commission is not an easy task. I had challenges. The successes included forcing the replacement of Buchanan’s wastewater treatment facility and the adoption of Buchanan’s initial cannabis program – the largest single job and revenue generator since Clark and Electro-Voice left town.

                Jackie and I have been married twenty-three years. Between us we have a large family: six children and fourteen grandchildren. Jackie and I plan on contributing to Buchanan the best way she and I know how.

                Government won’t work without citizen participation. I can’t serve the community blindly, by myself. Please attend meetings, watch them on YouTube, join committees and boards, and volunteer. We can achieve results working together.