Boards and Councils


Nearly 100 citizen volunteers serve the City of Buchanan on the City’s various boards, commissions, etc., which have major responsibilities in assisting the City Commission and staff in public policy development and implementation. These boards and commissions play a vital role in shaping the community’s future and maintaining and improving its quality of life. By serving on these various groups, city residents have the opportunity to truly “make a difference” in their community.

Appointments to City Boards, Commissions, Councils, and Committees are typically made by the Mayor, subject to approval by the full City Commission.

          Board Application & Appointment Process

          Board Application Form

For additional information on Buchanan’s citizen boards, commissions, councils and committees, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall. Individuals interested in serving on a city board, commission, etc. should place on file with the City Clerk a Board Application Form. This form is also available from the City Clerk’s Office.

Presented below are links to brief descriptions of the functions and activities of the City’s various boards, commissions, councils, and committees. Also listed are the lengths of terms for appointments to these groups, as well as their regular meeting dates, times, and places.

Public meetings are subject to the Michigan Open Meetings Act.  The handbook can be accessed here.


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